Public Launch of NOSi CA

The public launch act of NOSI-CA (Certification Authority), took place on Wednesday, March 30, Praia. he ceremony was presided by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Business Development and Minister of Digital Economy, Mr. Olavo Correia. The Minister of Justice, the Secretary of State for the Economy, representatives of public and private entities, the NOSi Board of Directors and the project implementation team were also present.

From today NOSI CA is a trusted partner to accelerate digital transformation and promote secure online transactions. NOSi CA is supported by robust technology infrastructures that ensure high performance, availability and security. By requesting the digital certificate NOSi CA on the portal - - you will have all the specialized and personalized technical assistance of an agile and duly certified team.

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SubtítuloSiglaDescriçãoDevelop or accelerate your company's research and development projects in NOSiAkademia's Jumpstart program. It offers, free of charge, technological conditions and 100%...
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Phone: +238 5161439

Telephone: +238 2607991

VOIP: 333-6667 | 333-6263
Webhosting Resell The Webhosting Reseller service consists in outsourcing Nosi's website hosting service. ...
Webhosting Providing space on a shared server, using the server as a "webserver" to host and manage your site. ...
Virtual Private Server It provides virtual private servers for hosting, accessible via Internet, and provided with a high level of security and data...
Housing It allows you to host your servers in a secure infrastructure through multiple power supply redundancies and advanced internet configurations at the Data...
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