NOSi, AD NOVA IMS, STEM DATA CENTER sign Strategic Cooperation Memorandum

The Operational Nucleus for the Information Society - NOSi, E.P.E, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics R&D&I Center - STEM DATA CENTER, a national startup, and the Association for the Development of NOVA Information Management School - AD NOVA IMS, signed this Thursday, November 25th, 2021, a Strategic Cooperation Memorandum.

With this memorandum, these entities will cooperate to create a stable cooperation platform to design, propose, and develop research and development (R&D) projects and training activities, especially in the areas of Geographic Information Systems, Business Intelligence, Big Data-Analytics, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence, accelerating the country's digital transformation.

It was signed by the CEO of NOSi, Eng. Carlos Tavares Pina, by the CEO of STEM DATA Center, Dr. Júlio Delgado, and by the Director of AD NOVA IMS, Prof. Miguel Neto.

NOSi Akademia was also awarded certificates for advanced training in Data Science & Analytics - Information Dashboard Design - Storytelling with Data, held by STEM Data Center and Universidade Nova Lisboa, in 2020. These certificates will be issued to dozens of NOSi employees involved in this training action.

Related news:

NOSi is optimistic that partnering with Universidade Nova de Lisboa and STEM will boost Industry 4.0 in Cabo Verde


11/25/21 6:50 PM
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