The U.S. State Department's Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs visits NOSiAkademia and Weblab.


The Special Representative of the U.S. Department of State for Commercial and Business Affairs, Mr. Dilawar Syed, paid a courtesy visit to NOSiAkademia and WebLab of Miraflores School, on March 27, aiming to understand the operation and dynamics of these two programs that empower and promote digital talents. The Representative was followed by his team and by the U.S. Economic and Commercial Specialist in Cabo Verde, Carla Brigham.

Welcomed by the Executive Directors of NOSi, Mayra Silva and Lumumba Barbosa, and team, Mr. Syed, was introduced to the Programs - NOSiAkademia and Weblab, by the coordinator, Érica Andrade and by the Team Leader, Luisa Chantre, respectively. The meeting allowed a dynamic and meaningful interaction between the Diplomat and the trainees, who were thrilled with the visit.

Afterwards, for a brief introduction to the dynamics of the WebLab laboratories and the children who benefit from this Program, Mr. Syed and his delegation went to Mirafores Educational Center, one of the 43 laboratories in the 22 municipalities hosting the Weblab project.


3/28/23 5:16 PM
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