Fake News | Statement of Clarification
Fake News | Nota de esclarecimento

NOSi, hereby publicly condemns the dissemination of false information through the online journal Santiago Magazine, under the title "Did the Government instruct the deletion of comments on RTC's Facebook regarding suspicions of corruption in the Porto Novo City Hall?"

NOSi condemns the irresponsibility of the authors of the false comment on RTC's official Facebook page, which undermines its good name, credibility, and internationally recognized technical independence.

NOSi clarifies that it never interferes, nor could it technically interfere, in the content management of institutions, regardless of their nature, whether public or private, especially concerning the management of social media content whose providers have strong and reliable rules regarding transparency, security, and accountability of personal or institutional profiles - users/beneficiaries of these respective platforms. In other words, the rumors spread about this fake news, although easily dismantled technically and proven to be false, aim solely to spread lies, confuse public opinion, and undermine NOSi's reputational image.

Therefore, NOSi, E.P.E, an institution of the Republic with over 25 years of experience in the field of National Digital Governance and with the mission to lead the digital transformation in the Cape Verdean public sector to improve citizens' lives and promote innovative collaborations between companies, which presupposes a coordinated action with the Government and alignment with the defined national digital strategy, informs that, although being a 100% publicly-owned company, it enjoys complete organic, functional, and above all technical independence, and will take measures and act with the authorities to identify and hold accountable those responsible for this fake news.

Board of Directors of NOSi, E.P.E


4/14/24 12:06 PM
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